Tender Notice for - DISPOSAL OF SCRAP ITEMS (Updated - 28 Feb 2012)
Click here to download the Tender Document
Please find herewith a set of tender documents along with terms and conditions.
After purchase of the tender documents, you will be permitted to inspect the scrap
material available in the premises. You may approach the office of the COO of the
ATAPL for inspection and co-ordination. The tender documents are all contained in
one set. Please note that the tender has to be filled in and submit the same with
before due date.
The Company will not be responsible and will not accept any tender received late
sent through Postal Service/Courier.
The tenders are to be submitted in sealed envelop to the company’s office on or
before 19/03/2012 up to 01.00 p.m.
Tender has to be submitted along with requisite EMD of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees five thousand
only) in form of DD drawn on any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of
the Aurangabad Textiles & Apparel Parks Limited.
Tenders received without requisite EMD would be rejected outright.
Tenders will be opened in presence of such tenderers who remain present at the time
of tender opening at 3.00 p.m. on 19/03/2012 in our mill.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,